Terms of Service

These terms of service (hereinafter referred to as “Terms”) set forth the conditions for using the online shop provided by http://makingwaves-btc.com (hereinafter referred to as “Operator”). Users (hereinafter referred to as “Users”) shall use this service in accordance with these Terms.

Article 1 (Application)

These Terms apply to all relationships related to the use of this service between Users and the Operator. The Operator may establish rules and guidelines (hereinafter referred to as “Individual Provisions”) regarding this service. These Individual Provisions shall also be considered part of these Terms. In the event of a conflict between these Terms and the Individual Provisions, the Individual Provisions shall prevail unless otherwise specified.

Article 2 (Sales Contract)

In this service, when a User purchases a product, the sales contract is established at the time the Operator accepts the purchase application from the User. Ownership of the product transfers to the User when the Operator hands over the product to the delivery company.

The Operator may terminate the sales contract without prior notice if:

  • The User violates these Terms.
  • The delivery address is unknown, or delivery cannot be completed due to prolonged absence.
  • The Operator determines that the trust relationship has been compromised.

Article 3 (Payment Terms)

When purchasing a product, the User must make payment in a timely manner using the designated payment method.

The Operator reserves the right to withhold the production and shipping of the products until payment is confirmed.

Article 4 (Prohibited Actions)

Users shall not engage in the following activities when using this service:

  • Actions that violate laws or public order and morals
  • Actions related to criminal activities
  • Infringement of copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights included in this service
  • Destroying or interfering with the functionality of servers or networks
  • Commercial use of information obtained through this service
  • Actions that may interfere with the operation of the Operator’s services
  • Unauthorized access
  • Collecting or storing personal information of other users
  • Impersonating other users
  • Providing benefits directly or indirectly to anti-social forces
  • Any other actions deemed inappropriate by the Operator

Article 5 (Privacy and Data Protection)

The Operator shall appropriately protect the personal information of Users and handle it in accordance with the privacy policy. Users agree to provide personal information and consent to the Operator managing that information appropriately.

Article 6 (Intellectual Property Rights)

The copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights related to this service belong to the Operator or legitimate rights holders. Users shall not infringe upon these rights without prior written permission from the Operator.

Article 7 (Means of Communication)

Communication and notifications regarding this service will be conducted using the methods designated by the Operator. Users are obligated to keep their contact information up to date. The Operator is not responsible for any delays or failures in notifications.

The address used by the Operator as the sender’s address is a virtual office (a service that provides a business address). Communication or returns sent to this address will not be handled. Please be sure to use the contact methods specified by the Operator.

Article 8 (Suspension of Service)

The Operator may suspend or interrupt all or part of this service without prior notice if any of the following reasons apply:

  • When performing maintenance, inspection, or updates of the system related to this service
  • If it becomes difficult to provide this service due to force majeure, such as earthquakes, lightning, fire, power outages, or natural disasters
  • If the service is stopped due to computer or communication line accidents
  • Other cases where the Operator determines it is difficult to provide the service

Article 9 (Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability)

The Operator does not guarantee that this service is free from defects, either factual or legal (including but not limited to defects related to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, fitness for a particular purpose, security, errors, bugs, and infringement of rights). The Operator is not responsible for any damages incurred by Users as a result of using this service. However, in cases of gross negligence by the Operator, appropriate measures will be taken in accordance with the law.

Article 10 (Changes to Service Content)

The Operator may change the content of this service or discontinue its provision without notifying Users. The Operator is not responsible for any damages incurred by Users as a result of these changes.

Article 11 (Changes to the Terms of Service)

The Operator may change these Terms at any time without notifying Users if deemed necessary. By continuing to use the service after any changes, Users are deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms.

Article 12 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

The interpretation of these Terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan. In the event of any disputes arising in connection with this service, the court with jurisdiction over the location of the Operator’s headquarters shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Article 13 (Agreement to Terms)

By using this service, Users are deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Service, the Handmade Product Notes, and the Privacy Policy.